Click here to reset the learning count for the selected entry. It will no longer receive any extra preference over other dictionary entries in future translations. Click this button to search the entry text above for the word or phrase to the left. Each click finds the next occurrence, until the end of the list is reached. Note: only the text above is searched. Use Lookup above to find a new entry. The text of the dictionary entry above can be searched by typing the text to find here, and then clicking the Find button. Not available if there is no entry text above. Note: only the text above is searched. Use Lookup above to find a new entry. The LogoVista dictionary entry (if any) for the word or phrase above is displayed here. Click this button to find the entry in the LogoVista dictionary for the word or phrase to the left. Type the word or phrase to be located here, then click on the Lookup button. Its entry in the LogoVista dictionary will be displayed below.